Sunday, May 30, 2010

The Prayer of the Children: Baylor Men's Choir

This is the Baylor Men's Choir's interpretation of the anthem, "The Prayer of the Children." It is an evocative and emotional rendering of an anthem about the horrors of war as felt in particular by children.

As a member of Gabriel's Chorus, the men's choir at Glen Cairn United Church, I took part in singing this anthem today during the morning service. The congregation was hushed and spell bound, listening to every word. This was the first time the Chorus sang unaccompanied. Thanks go to our choir director, Peter Bishop, for challenging us to learn this piece, and to Lori Prowse our accompanist during practices, and to the dedication of the other eight members of the chorus who showed what heights we can accomplish.

"Can you hear the prayers of the children?"


  1. That was truly precious. It gave me goosebumps. The photos along with the music really struck a chord with me. This is hard to put into words but I know our life here on earth is temporary to a much better place. I hate to see suffering here on earth, but sometimes I think God wants to see just how we handle the trials we are given in this temporary home we live in now. I don't understand why we all have to go through the trials that we do, but it is how we handle things day to day in the hardest of times that will help us secure our place with Him.
    Have a blessed Sunday,

  2. Thanks for that John. I have only heard the Kurt Bestor rendition before, and I found this version also very touching, especially with the images.

  3. Hi had to come back because I just remembered where I first heard this song. It was a Kurt Bestor concert in Rexburg Idaho in 2000. :)
