On Sunday, March 3rd, CTV Ottawa will host the 22nd Heart Institute Telethon from 9 00 am to 7 00 pm. It was this Heart Institute to which I was taken when I had a heat attack over two years ago. It is because of their technology that my health was restored with the insertion of six stents into my arteries.
My heart surgeon, Dr. Alexander Dick is described as an "Interventional Cardiologist". He, along with Dr. Robert Beanlands, Chief of Cardiology, are scheduled to speak on the telethon on "The future of cardiac imaging: a promising program to save lives." This session is between 2 and 3 00 pm that day.
I had my heart attack while jogging on the Trans-Canada Trail. I stopped the first person I met and asked for help since I felt I was having such an attack. That person turned out to be an emergency room nurse. Her prompt phone call bought ann ambulance, and two hours later I was in recovery after receiving my first stents.
Donations to the Heart Institute can be made locally during the telethon or on-line at ottawaheart.ca.
You are so lucky! You sure pick the best places and best people to be around when you have your heart problems. Although I would much prefer if you just stayed healthy all the time :)