Monday, April 27, 2009

Back to the blog

Wednesday through Sunday were not good days. Stomach flu (non-Mexican) laid me low. Anne was a bit pointed in her remarks today when I got up early and joined my golfing buddies and walked eighteen holes without problems. "A remarkable recovery", she says.

The garden beckons too. I had planned to purchase some five-ply plywwod from Lee Valley last week. This makes excellent tray bases and is to be the subject matter of the next two or three blogs. I might have a chance of purchasing the plywood tomorrow, but there are other tasks too.

Lee Valley is an Ottawa based company which makes excellent products for gardeners and woodworkers. Non-Ottawans should google "Lee Valley" and check out their on-line catalogue.

1 comment:

  1. A "bit pointed" - I like that choice of words...glad you are feeling better.
