I spent most of the morning retaking many of my photographs that appear on my Etsy shop site.
On the weekend, I spent about 15 minutes in a "chat" group on the Etsy site. (This was my first venture into real-time, on-line communication.) Among the discussion topics was that of how to take photographs that more accurately reflect true colours. Chatters (?)suggested the use of natural light. Later in that weekend, I happened upon a similar discussion in the "Business Topics Forum" of Etsy. There the emphasis was on the use of indirect or diffused natural light.
Today I put these lessons to practical use as I re-photographed 18 of my current 49 items in my shop. Over the rest of this week I will re-photograph the remaining items.
Three examples of the finished products are shown here. To me they appear much clearer, and do have better colour. For example, the Navy Blue of the Fanny Basket shows as a Navy Blue rather than a purply blue.
Maybe, I will find time today to finish off that rib basket I began last week. Its so easy to get distracted!
You've done a brilliant job with the photos!