Saturday, July 10, 2010

Wills for adults with autism.

As I recuperate from my heart attack, I have time to think about wills and estates. Both Anne and I have had a will drafted for many years. Those wills contain a number of provisions to look after the interests of our adult son with autism. And, the Canadian government's introduction of a Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP) a couple of years back has enabled us to start making serious savings for him.

Yet there is one area we have not yet acted on: creating a will for that son with autism. If we are able to invest for several more years in his RDSP, he will have a large amount of capital to draw on when he reaches 60 years of age. He will also be a beneficiary, along with his brothers, of our estate too when that time comes. He will need a will to determine how the residue from his estate is to be handled.

Tamir, the service agency that looks after Adrian in his group home and day programs, has a policy that requires its clients to have wills. Now is the time for us to follow-up on their recommendation.

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