First it is a means of keeping in touch with some relatives we had not had much contact with in the past. Over the last forty or so years we have kept in touch with brothers and sisters in England via the phone, snail mail, and returns to England every three years or so. We did not keep in touch in this period with nephews and nieces. Now several nephews and neices ( and spouses thereof) are regular contacts through Facebook. How else would I have regular reports on the antics of referees at Stoke City matches?
It is also a means of keeping in contact with a couple of friends from our days in 1966-8 from Montreal. The photograph above reflects a similar photograph taken in that period at the top of Mount Royal.
Facebook is also a way of learning about new friends and contacts in Ottawa, friends as neighbours as well as friends from Glen Cairn United Church. Friends who work with Adrian could also be added to this group.
Facebook also allows me to keep in touch with people I taught with at Red Lake District High School. And it is from these friends that a number of my past students at RLDHS have contacted me. My reserved English background allows me to make friends with past students if they initiate the contact.
Through this blog I have also made some Facebook friends who are basket-makers or basket lovers. And through the blog and Etsy, I have also become part of a social network of people who have interests in people with autism.
And so my social network of Facebook friends slowly grows. Its purposes have grown too so that it is much more than a means of promoting sales!
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