Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Creating a designer vase basket.

 The inspiration for this basket came from the basket created by Debra Hammond as shown on pages 18 - 20 0f Lyn Syler's "A Basketmaker's Odyssey: Over Under, around and through", published by Word Weavers Ink, of Matthews, North Carolina. The photo above shows the inspirational basket.
 My base was woven with a four through four base, For the upsett, I wove several rows of three rod waling using two undyed (ivory white) weavers) and one purple weaver. I then changed to more three rod waling with two weavers of purple and one of ivory white. I finished this stage of the weaving with additional rows of three rod wale with three weavers of purple. All these rows were flared outwards, and show spirals on the outside of the work.

The next stage was to bend the cane inwards. To do that I used needle-nosed pliers to crush the cane spokes at the level of the last row of weavers. I then placed a suitable sized can inside the basket and tied of the spokes around the can so I could weave at an appropriate angle. For this section I continued with three rod waling with two purple weavers and one of 100% knobbly rayon wool.
 The next step was to form the neck. I added four  randomly chosen beads of similar hues to each spoke and then began to weave in three-rod weaving, reversing the pattern I used on the lower side of the base.
The finished designer vase. Anne suggests I make two others similar in shape but progressively smaller to make a set. I will see what I can do.

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