Saturday, August 25, 2012

Blogging once more

 It has been so easy to get out of the habit of blogging. Yet blogging has been a good way to remind myself of the number of events we take part in and enjoy. In the photograph above you will see Anne and I dressed up at the site of the Spencerville Grist Mill as we took part in a celebration of the War of 1812. We were required to dress in the style of 1812, the regency Period. As basket-maker artisans, the frock coats were not appropriate. Smocks, straw hats and an apron were more suitable for the peasant class.
 The Herb Wife occupied a stall next to us. She was also dressed in style. The herb basket was a treasured purchase she made from us.
My latest basket is another Stair Basket made as a custom order.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome back to the blogging world! It's nice to see all the lovely things you have been working on and doing!

    I love the herb basket. It is beautiful!
